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Online Worship

Tea & Fellowship

Worshipping together wherever we are.


tea & Fellowship


Join us via Zoom every 2nd & 4th Sunday of the month at 4pm for a short time of worship - including a time of prayer, song, and reflection - followed by a time of fellowship. This is our opportunity to come together as a congregation and spend some time with one another.

Meeting ID for Zoom

836 1040 2106




You can just follow this link:


(you will still need to download Zoom, so please allow time to do this)

Not got a webcam?

You don't need to have a webcam to join our Tea and Fellowship on Zoom. You can call-in using your phone. 

Ring this number:

0208 080 6592


On your phone, enter the Meeting ID followed by #:

836 1040 2106 #

You don't need to enter a 'Participant ID' so just press # again.

We hope you have found what you're looking for and that the website has given you some information about what happens at Walton Methodist Church, but we cannot tell you everything so please come and visit us and see what happens for yourself!

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