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Online Worship
Tea & Fellowship
Worshipping together wherever we are.

tea & Fellowship
Join us via Zoom every 2nd & 4th Sunday of the month at 4pm for a short time of worship - including a time of prayer, song, and reflection - followed by a time of fellowship. This is our opportunity to come together as a congregation and spend some time with one another.
Meeting ID for Zoom
836 1040 2106
You can just follow this link:
(you will still need to download Zoom, so please allow time to do this)
Need help with Zoom?
Not got a webcam?
You don't need to have a webcam to join our Tea and Fellowship on Zoom. You can call-in using your phone.
Ring this number:
0208 080 6592
On your phone, enter the Meeting ID followed by #:
836 1040 2106 #
You don't need to enter a 'Participant ID' so just press # again.
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