Walking Group
Who are we?
There are about 12 to 15 of us, mostly from Walton Methodist Church who enjoy a chat and Christian fellowship as we walk leisurely to admire the beauty of God’s creation. Most of our walks are about two or three miles long usually catering for the over 50s ending with a meal together. We welcome anyone who wishes to join us.
Do you want to come along?
We enjoy chatting and always welcome newcomers to the group. Walking is a good way to try and keep fit as well, so if you would like to join us phone Sandra or Colin on 01932-224877.
Details appear on the Church notice board before each walk and car lifts can be organised if required. So far we have been very blessed with the weather!
Jill Kenton, Sandra & Colin Wright

Next Walk-
To be confirmed.
During the Coronavirus pandemic we have been unable to go on our monthly walks, we have however produced a series of articles looking back at some of our walks with a particular focus on History and Ecology.