Worshipping safely at WMC
Returning safely to Walton-on-Thames Methodist Church

No need to book in advance. Just come along at 10am.
We will still encourage people to sanitise their hands when entering and leaving the building.

We will sing again, but we will only sing 3 hymns/songs.

Masks are optional. We encourage you to do what makes you comfortable.

The One Way system will cease to operate and the tables and social distancing tape removed, although we will keep the signs up to remind people that social distancing is still something to bear in mind, when inside a building.
Communion will be brought to people in their pews, as we have been doing and the servers will wear masks while doing this.
There will be a
‘COVID-19 Secure Area’
up in the gallery.
Here we will maintain the social distancing measures, wearing of masks will be mandatory and there will be no singing. We feel this will bring some security to those who are worried about us suddenly socialising again, as we don’t want people to feel they can’t come to church, now restrictions are lifted.