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The men’s group has the sole objective of providing space for the men of our church, past and present, to talk and socialise together.  We normally meet on the last Tuesday of the month.  The type of activities are varied,  which provides everyone with an opportunity to join in.

In 2014 the events included, attending Banger Racing, darts, going to pubs and restaurants,  a quiz night, badminton, 10 pin bowling and table tennis.  The number of people attending also varies a lot, but it is always an enjoyable evening out.


We are always keen for new men to join, and new ideas. This year we are hoping to have a summer barbeque for the first time.


Men's Group

"I will make sure that I am available on the 25th November. The Christmas meal has become an institution that cannot be missed."

Men's Group Member

We hope you have found what you're looking for and that the website has given you some information about what happens at Walton Methodist Church, but we cannot tell you everything so please come and visit us and see what happens for yourself!

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